One of the most important functions of HR and talent acquisition is to hire the best talent for their company. Recruiting the ideal candidate can be challenging in the current climate. The pandemic’s striking effect on how organisations operate continue to challenge the HR and talent functions. The restrictions imposed because of the pandemic have proved to be disruptive but will also breed innovation. Traditional practices are inadequate when screening new and existing hires. According to a recent study, 68% of HR professionals faced challenges in conducting background verifications because of the restrictions in place.
Uncertainty due to the pandemic has made the use of digitised assets and tools for pre-employment screening a priority, making digitisation the way forward. The implementation of developing technologies by HR will be the key in future to achieve efficient background checking results. Companies will need to focus on adopting a structured approach to implement technological changes in the screening process. This will ultimately enable companies to work efficiently.
"Our fast-check service removes the typical delays in completing background checks that can cause frustration or even the loss of a good candidate. "
Using technology in recruitment has greatly improved the efficiency of the process, saving time as well as money in the long run for organisations. New technologies have completely revolutionised the way background checks are conducted, making the hiring of new employees a much less labor-intensive task.
In his whitepaper, we discuss the technological developments over the last couple of years and how these advancements have impacted background screening, a key human resource function. Background checking is mandatory for many organisations of all sizes, as it acts as a risk-mitigating tool. Here we discuss, how your company is at risk by ignoring the pre-employment screening of all new and existing employees. Background checking is not a challenge anymore when technological advancements have taken over.
The analysis of digitalised pre-employment screening checks explains the options available today. With all these changes in place, companies can use a third-party service like Giant Screening to improve the workflow. When it comes to employee screening and onboarding your workers, you need a fast and flexible solution, so you don’t lose talent, therefore companies outsource to Giant.
A step towards digitalisation: background
The world of technology has seen remarkable development over the last decade. Before technology took over, businesses were maintaining handwritten records, however, businesses today have not only moved from analogue to digital data, but they also use this data to simplify workflow. This transformation, a move towards digitalisation has helped corporations save time along with aiding them to find ways for efficient execution of processes. This enables them to identify the best way of getting things done and satisfy the customer base. Across various industries- manufacturing, aviation, oil & gas, retail, logistics, automotive, natural resources, and public transport, the concept of digitalisation cannot be avoided and must be embraced.
Digitalisation can also give your business a competitive edge over others. Implementation of a digitalised process can help in achieving consistency across businesses. Some other benefits of digitalisation may include:
-Helps save cost. With a streamlined process, you can save thousands by eliminating process repetition and errors
-Improved delivery of services
-Digitalised processes can help your business stay compliant
-Hassle-free communication between businesses and stakeholders
Today in the wake of COVID19, businesses are required to be agile. They need to adapt to the changing situation and make decisions on the go. A step towards digitalisation can help a business grow in unexpected ways.
With all the standard procedures being digitalised, pre-employment and reference checks have also become very digital, making it convenient for employers to have access to the necessary information to verify the credibility of their candidates.
Digitalisation of the background checking process
With the new normal, remote working, hiring, and training have become the norm for all businesses. A challenge that continues is the failure to conduct extensive pre-employment screening of potential employees. According to a report from The Economics Times, for organizations, the use of technology and digitalised processes for employee background checking have become a priority post-pandemic. The in-house recruitment team may either conduct the basic checks or skip the background checking steps altogether.
Companies usually are involved in multiple tasks, where completing pre-employment screening checks is a task often overlooked, but utterly necessary. Moreover, maintaining an error-free process is not always manually possible. In the changing times, with business dynamics evolving every day, going forward it would be difficult for companies to even conduct basic screening checks manually without any trouble; therefore, it is practical to understand the benefits of technology-driven background checking. Using a third party to carry out these checks is going to eliminate the risk of unconscious bias or any discriminatory dilemma. We are happy to own the fact that Giant is the UK’s fastest-growing screening company. As the times are challenging and almost everything is done online, you need a tailor-made screening solution now more than ever.
Everything is completed online and the support we provide to your company is compliant and transparent. Employers need to understand that the pre-employment screening checks help to eliminate the risks of a bad hire. It is important that you see these checks as an investment in your candidate’s future as well as the company’s. As one of the industry’s leading companies, we realize that exceptional service is a blend of human expertise and technology. Proficient human level of input is essential to get the technological need right. At Giant, we are here to provide you with our fully managed screening solution made to fit your company's needs.