The existing guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children within the education sector is subject to change as the Department of Education is currently conferring on amendments to the existing framework. These adjustments are came into effect from September 2022. The new safeguarding guidelines include the recommendation to carry out social media checks on all prospective teachers shortlisted for interview stage.
Technology can be applied to the most human of interactions, especially the interview and hiring process. 92% of employers are using or planning to use social networks for recruiting so it seems logical the Education sector should follow suit. Now these changes are in place, social media checks will significantly help to understand the candidate’s profile, behaviours, and mitigate previously unknown risks.
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The existing guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children within the education sector is subject to change as the Department of Education is currently conferring on amendments to the existing framework. These adjustments are came into effect from September 2022.
The new safeguarding guidelines include the recommendation to carry out social media checks on all prospective teachers shortlisted for interview stage.
Technology can be applied to the most human of interactions, especially the interview and hiring process. 92% of employers are using or planning to use social networks for recruiting so it seems logical the Education sector should follow suit. Now these changes are in place, social media checks will significantly help to understand the candidate’s profile, behaviours, and mitigate previously unknown risks.
Social media screening is an effective measure any organisation can take to review if a candidate’s background information supports their professional qualification and if they have the necessary skill set and professional image to match the job requirements.
In this whitepaper, we explain the impact social media checks will make on hiring procedures and how these checks can deliver better hiring practice and remove unnecessary risks.
Impact on the education sector
Employers within Education must consider implementing a social media policy to agree what is acceptable conduct and more importantly, what they view as unacceptable. Social media is on the verge of playing an important role in further safeguarding the welfare of children and all the stakeholders, therefore any policy needs to be clear and concise.
Social media checks – one of the biggest trends in hiring
Social media searches offer in-depth profile insights that help employers to minimise the risks associated with unsuitable candidates and avoid potential negative impacts on their existing workforce, customers, or brand. Social media checks are already heavily influencing the recruitment process within HR departments globally to protect their employees and brand reputation however, using the information responsibly is vital. Social media is here to stay so using it wisely is the logical way forward but are all organisations following best practice?
Social media checks – what to consider?
Organisations using certain methods of sourcing social media data without a defined policy in place to justify hiring decisions are taking risks. Simply “googling” candidates is a risky and a subjective approach that could breach regulations and legislation. Online information may not always be accurate, up to date, or provide context. Therefore, all information should be assessed accurately so it’s key to consider the risks involved when looking at candidates’ data without some important rules and expert guidance in place first.
Candidates must always provide consent to any checks conducted as part of their employment screening.
The candidate should also have the right to respond to any information found online. If the checks aren’t handled appropriately, this could significantly impact trust and the entire recruitment process. Using a recognised third party to complete thorough and relevant social media checks ensures you don’t let unconscious bias creep in and leave you open to accusations. Accurate, up to-date, and reliable information provided from a trusted third party will ensure a robust, consistent, and compliant approach
every time.
What information can social media checks include?
• Inappropriate / undesirable content
• Sexist or racist behaviour
• Sexually explicit content
• Extreme views/opinions
• Violence
• Illegal activity such as drugs, theft, and weapons
• Connections to or supportive of organisations and terrorist groups
• Linked to lobby or advocate/activist groups
• Adverse media and news reports
• Links to bribery, corruption, or fraud
Giant Screening are here to help you get it right
Over 70% of employers are now completing social media checks on all new hires and re-screening annually as part of their ongoing policy so getting it right from a best practice stance is vital. The social media checks Giant Screening provides are far more advanced than in-house searches and specifically created to remove the associated risks that basic in-house research won’t discover. The sophisticated technologies and analysis tools used by our teams deliver a comprehensive in-depth report designed to remain compliant with legislation and HR guidelines.
Our service delivers the confidence to employers that all checks are compliant, thorough, and consistent to support the assessment of their candidates. Building a trusted workforce has never been easier when partnering with Giant Screening, we are here to help protect your business and employees with all your screening requirements.
If you have questions about social media checks, please get in touch to explore how we can support your organisation with our extensive range of employee screening solutions.