The use of new technological developments has revolutionised background screening and digitalisation has helped the background screening process by:
-Reducing the manual process
-Enhancing the efficiency of the process
-Enabling fast processing and strengthening the reliability of the process
Digital background checking development can help companies authenticate various details of potential employees. The digitalised framework involves verifying candidate information against several credible databases before generating any results. Because of the efficiency of the process, the demand for digitalised screening checks will continue to increase in the times to come. It will not only help the companies hire the right talent with adequate skillset but also save them resources. With the help of third-party screening services like Giant Screening, your company can leverage technology bringing inconsistency in the employment process and eliminating any possible hiring bias.
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The growth of digitalised pre-employment screening checks is opening new avenues of cost and time saving for companies. Now, companies are more receptive than ever to new technological advancements to reduce the cost and time of hiring.
Over the next few pages, we are going to share a few trends that are transforming the background checking processes.
Document checking service pilot scheme
The document checking service (DCS) pilot scheme is introduced by the government, for organizations in the non-public sector to digitally check if the British Passport is valid or not. This pilot scheme can enable companies to validate critical candidate information. DCS run by Government Digital Service (GDS) in the UK is responsible for carrying out passport checks.
Passport details are checked against HM Passport Office (HMPO) database. After the passport details are checked, DCS will send the organization a “yes” or “no” response to say whether the passport is valid.
For all passports, reported lost or cancelled will be invalid and organizations will be returned with a “No” response from DCS.
Passports that are valid according to the check will generate a “Yes” response. But these checks are time-specific. A passport may be valid at the time of the check but may be lost or cancelled in future. For rechecking the organization will have to apply for a new check at an additional cost.
To check the status of any passport, the organization needs to provide DCS with the following details:
-Passport number
-First and last name
-Date of birth
-Passport expiry date
At the time of writing this, the pilot scheme is planned to run till the end of March 2022. These checks are introduced by the government to check the demand of organizations. It will give an idea about the number of users who would want to use the government database to validate the information. The scheme is launched to also test the technical design and identify any loopholes. Over this period, it will be made clear if this pilot scheme is viable for both the government and organizations. Along with this, the scheme may highlight the long-term need for passport checks.
Social media
The digital evolution in the last year has been greater than ever before. Technology can be applied to the most human of interactions – the interview and hiring process. 92% of the employers are using or planning to use social networks for recruiting.
With virtual interviews now a part of the new normal, organizations are required having to rely on a much narrower view of the candidate to make key hiring decisions. In the absence of face-to-face feedback, it is mandatory to assess a candidate in different ways to ensure the best hiring decision is made.
With greater challenges in the hiring process, can technology help to bridge the gap?
One way to better understand a candidate’s character and behaviour are by looking at their social media activity. Are they angry or caring online? Are they engaged in charity work that shows grit and commitment to a cause? Are there any discrepancies between their online behaviour and what you see during the interview?
Before the organizations dive into social media checks, they need to be aware that there are risks in looking at the data without some rules in place first. Using a third party like Giant to conduct thorough global checks ensures unconscious bias does not lead the hiring decision. By partnering with an expert like Giant you can ensure your business and brand remains protected and avoid the unwanted bias associated with recruiting.
It can also be a minefield when there are hundreds, often thousands of posts to review across a whole host of social media profiles (some being not so easy to find). This is where technology helps, with Artificial Intelligence (AI) creating efficiencies and removing the margin for human error. Human QA of the results can then remove the margin for error in an AI only approach, resulting in a high-quality report.
Industry bodies such as AFODD ensure checks are compliant, secure, and fair to both the employer and the candidate.
When social media checks become a core step in the hiring process, companies will see the full value of an approach designed for the digital era.
A study reveals that 48% of HR practitioners are so pressed for time that they cannot verify every candidate’s qualification and background. Blockchain, another trend of the new digitalised screening framework, can significantly help companies save time and achieve maximum transparency of records.
Blockchain technology is present with the promise of precision. Looking at data from various studies, in the last 5 years, the trend of blockchain screening has increased significantly. The market is growing each passing day, with multiple third-party facilitators, making the service available to companies.
Blockchain technology is used to verify every new addition to the data against any candidate. It is a system of storing data in blocks that are connected to each other.
Blockchain solutions can significantly save time when screening potential candidates. For any candidate, the resume can be re-engineered by blockchain, with every detail about education and employment stored as a specific block.
The main features of blockchain verification include:
-Data recorded in blocks cannot be altered
-Data stored in blocks is auto verified
-Details of verifying party are hidden to reduce the possibility of bias
Blockchain technology can address several challenges in hiring. With the conventional use of this technology, companies would be able to contact high-quality candidates at lower costs and swift timelines.
However, blockchain transformation is not happening at a face pace. What is holding back this transformation?
The answer is plain, blockchain structure requires a pervasive implementation to function properly and be successful. Pre-employment screening service based on blockchain technology would require various stakeholders who are willing to make information available to the blockchain service providers. This information and credentials would make it possible for service providers to work across multiple industries, verifying details about education, experience, past roles etc.
According to an industry-leading staffing franchise, the framework needs some corrections to function properly. And it is not long before the industry sees these types of service providers operating.
Digital identities
The digitalisation of screening is further enhanced by digital identities. Digital identities are like a digital safe, where one can keep their personal details. Companies can use digital identities to verify candidate details. Personal details can be verified using digital identities in-person and online. Using these identities can help save time and reduce the risk of fraud.
Processing documents for DBS Checks takes time, with digital identities becoming a reality the time spent on DBS checks and screening solutions can be reduced considerably. This is still very new to the market; we’ll keep you up to date with changes on this matter.
Open banking – for employment verification
With rapid digitalisation, open banking is the new face of banking. In the current times, it is the new normal. A system of application programming interface that will allow third parties to use financial information as per their needs. Open banking is another framework that is digitalizing pre-employment checks.
Economies across the world have suffered a lot due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, companies need control of financial data to make sound decisions when it comes to hiring. Open banking offers a better option for business entities and individuals to get back on their feet. With open banking, the hiring party can access information about candidate income verifying employment history. With open banking, the information is made available readily. Conventionally, it can take weeks for an applicant to submit bank statements. And during this course, there is plenty of time for the company to decide if they want to proceed with another candidate.
However, with an open banking facility, third-party service providers can check applicant bank records in seconds to verify any employment history.
Employment verification is one of the services that will allow organizations to derive value from open banking. The saving in time, cost and resources are substantial with open banking. The introduction of employment verification on a broad level will help reduce application fraud to another level.