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Transforming recruitment: The strategic advantage of a candidate-first approach

ScreeningBlog • Aug 19, 2024 12:10:04 PM • Written by: Mark Ramsey

With 72% of candidates stating that the smoothness of an interview process significantly affects their decision to accept a job offer, organisations are increasingly recognising the importance of a candidate-first approach to hiring. This strategy, which places the candidate’s experience at the forefront, is proving to be a key differentiator in attracting and retaining top talent in a competitive landscape.  

Redefining the recruitment journey: start with the candidate 

The recruitment process often begins with making candidates aware of job openings, but a candidate-first approach requires going a step further. It’s about curating an experience that resonates with candidates from the outset and continues through to their first day on the job. According to a study, 60% of candidates drop out of a job application due to its length and complexity. This statistic highlights the importance of engaging candidates meaningfully and efficiently. 

Your job postings should reflect what candidates want to see—not just a list of requirements but a narrative about what makes your organisation a great place to work. Highlighting the unique benefits and values your company offers can make the difference between a candidate choosing your company over another. From the first interaction to the final stages of onboarding, it’s crucial that candidates feel valued and informed. 

Communicating culture and values: attracting the right fit 

Today’s candidates are not just looking for a job; they are looking for a company whose culture and values align with their own. According to a survey by Glassdoor, 77% of adults consider a company’s culture before applying for a job. This makes it crucial for organisations to clearly communicate their mission, vision, and values during the recruitment process. 

By focusing on the cultural fit and the candidate’s potential impact within the organisation, you can attract individuals who are not only qualified but also motivated to contribute to your company’s long-term goals. For those that choose to partner with a trusted screening partner like Giant screening, you should ensure that this alignment is maintained throughout the onboarding process. With screening solutions tailored to reflect and uphold your company’s values and brand, ensuring a consistent and positive experience as candidates transition from applicants to new hires. 

Streamlining the candidate journey: From application to onboarding 

A streamlined process is essential for keeping candidates engaged, from their initial application right through to their onboarding. Data from PwC indicates that nearly half of jobseekers have turned down an offer due to a poor recruitment experience. A cumbersome process can drive away potential candidates, especially in a competitive market where top talent has multiple opportunities. 

Simplifying the process by using technology—such as interactive assessments, video interviews, or gamified applications, and avoiding duplication of fields and information—can save the candidate time, reduce drop-off rates, and maintain engagement. Giant Screening plays a vital role in ensuring this streamlined experience continues into onboarding, offering advanced, user-friendly screening solutions that integrate smoothly with your applicant tracking systems. This integration reduces complexity and keeps both the client and candidate informed and engaged throughout the entire journey. 

Flexibility and responsiveness: creating a positive experience 

Flexibility in scheduling interviews and accommodating candidates’ needs is another hallmark of a candidate-first approach. According to a survey by CareerBuilder, 55% of job seekers say they will give up and move on if they haven’t heard from an employer within 2 weeks of applying, highlighting the importance of prompt communication. Providing options for remote interviews and being considerate of candidates’ schedules can create a more positive experience and increase the likelihood of securing top talent. 

We understand the importance of maintaining this flexibility and responsiveness, especially as candidates move into the onboarding phase. Our candidate care team is dedicated to supporting candidates with multiple communication channels, including live chat, WhatsApp, and phone support. Additionally, our bespoke candidate hubs provide a personalised and seamless experience featuring custom video, and curated frequently asked questions, ensuring that each candidate feels supported and informed, reinforcing your organisation’s commitment to a positive candidate experience from start to finish. 

Highlighting benefits: What’s in it for the candidate? 

Benefits are a key consideration for candidates when choosing a new job. According to a study 57% of job applicants report benefits and perks among their top considerations before accepting a job.  Clearly communicating the benefits your organisation offers, such as professional development opportunities, wellness programmes, or flexible work arrangements, can make your company more attractive to potential hires. 

These benefits should not just be listed but woven into the narrative of your company culture. For example, if your organisation values work-life balance, emphasise how your flexible work policies or wellness programmes support that value.  

Giant Screening’s role in enhancing the candidate experience 

We know that a positive candidate experience is crucial, not just for the candidates themselves, but for the success of your organisation. Our customised background screening solutions are designed to minimise complexity and maximise compliance, all while ensuring that candidates feel supported and valued extending this from their first interaction with your company to their first day on the job. 

Our approach includes: 

  • Dedicated support: Our candidate care team provides approachable, friendly assistance throughout the screening process. 
  • Data protection: We uphold rigorous data protection standards, ensuring full GDPR compliance and safeguarding candidate information. 
  • Accessible technology: Our platform features built-in support for neurodiverse candidates, ensuring an inclusive experience for all. 
  • Regular updates: We keep candidates informed at every stage, reducing uncertainty and enhancing their experience. 

The future of recruitment is candidate-first 

Adopting a candidate-first approach is about more than just filling roles—it’s about building a strong, positive employer brand that attracts and retains top talent. By focusing on the candidate’s experience from the initial application through to their onboarding, your organisation can not only stand out in a competitive market but also foster long-term success through a more engaged and motivated workforce. 

Giant Screening is here to help you make this shift. Our expertise in background screening, combined with a deep understanding of candidate needs, allows us to support your organisation in creating a recruitment and onboarding process that’s both efficient and candidate-centric. 

Ready to enhance your screening process?

Mark Ramsey