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Temporary jobs rise in Greece

BlogGlobal • Mar 21, 2024 9:30:00 AM • Written by: Georgia Reynolds

During the last quarter of 2023, temporary jobs in Greece substantially increased, by approximately 17.6% compared to the same period the previous year. But what drove this surge in temporary employment?

" This rise translated to around 306,900 temporary positions during that timeframe—a notable increase from the previous year but a dip from the peak seen in the third quarter of 2023."

temp working in greece

Here are several factors which could of led to this rise:

Firstly, seasonal demand. As we approached the holiday season, industries like retail and hospitality experienced heightened activity, leading to a greater need for temporary workers to handle the increased workload. This seasonal uplift in consumer spending often translates into more temporary job opportunities to meet the demand.

Secondly, project-based work also contributed to the increase. Industries such as construction, events management, and seasonal agriculture often rely on temporary workers to complete specific projects or events. If there was a spike in such projects during that time, it would naturally lead to more temporary job openings.

Thirdly, economic conditions can't be discounted. Uncertainty in the economy often prompts businesses to opt for temporary hires over permanent positions. Temporary workers offer employers flexibility in managing their workforce, especially during times of economic instability or fluctuating demand.

Temporary workforce

This rise translated to around 306,900 temporary positions during that timeframe—a notable increase from the previous year but a dip from the peak seen in the third quarter of 2023.

Despite these fluctuations, temporary employment accounted for about 10.7% of the total workforce during this period. While this figure decreased slightly compared to the previous quarter, it still marked a significant increase from the same time the year before.

How we can help

As businesses adapt to these changes, it's essential to ensure smooth operations. Whether you're facing challenges with payroll administration, compliance issues, or simply need guidance on your temporary workforce strategy, Giant Group is here to help. Our tailored services can mitigate risks and set your business up for success and as we are Global we can help you wherever you are!

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Georgia Reynolds

Marketing Coordinator – Content